Howdy Y’all

Just a quick check of the weather the past few days and I got say, it’s been pretty OK.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s feeling like somewhere between 95˚ & 105˚ during the day.  But we’re in the RV chillin like Cool Whip, so it’s not much of a concern.  By the time we drop the landing gear, it’s usually about 4pm (we keep losing hours as we head East), and the nights cool off beautifully.  It’s really quite pleasant.

Each night when we land, we’ll drop the jacks, pop-out the sides and toast the drive with quick shot of Fire Ball.  Then it’s a dog walk and dinner prep.  The old girls know the routine and are always pretty cool with the “RV” thing.  But the Doodles are still learning and it’s tough for them to keep all that energy under control all day.  Even as I write this, they’re chasing each other around the RV like NASCAR drivers (and its 11:30pm).

Tonight was retribution.  We were here 5 years ago at The Big Texan  with the kids.  (Going back to the Americana  post a few days ago, this place is #2 in my book, Wall Drug Store, in South Dakota is #1)  Well last time here, Laura went to the bar to order us some drinks while we waited for our table.  2 hours later, I don’t know what happened.  I got turned inside-out.  So much so, that 12 hours later, Laura had to drive the RV out of town to Dallas.  To this day, I swear I got roofied in the beer they gave Laura.  I don’t remember a single thing about that night.  But according to Maddie, I was an ass.  She’s got some great stories to tell…

So tonight, it was just Laura and I, a couple non-benzodiazepine pharmacologic drinks and 2 half decent steaks.  What more could you ask for?  Cheers to Texas!