Not much of a day yesterday, other than hitting the corners of another four states. I can tell you, that of all the states we’ve driven through, I think Pennsylvania has the worst drivers. They’re completely careless and clueless. You can also feel the differences now, in the people. Throughout the South, it was “hi, how are you”. A little wave or gesture, just to say, I acknowledge you. As we’ve moved North, that custom became must less appreciated or returned. Now, it flat-out just doesn’t exist. I feel like an ass when I acknowledge someone. I guess I’ll try to keep doing it, just to annoy them 😎
We did have dinner at this cool restaurant last night called The Oyster Club. Our day ended in Mystic, CT and we’ve been cooking for ourselves (in the RV) since Sunday. So a little fine dining and craft cocktails were in order.
The restaurant has a separate section outside on the roof, connected to a tree, overlooking the harbor, called the Treehouse. The weather was perfection, the drinks quenching and their version of a Rhode Island Clam Chowder was new to me. It was similar to a creamy New England Chowda, but without the cream. More of a stock base. It was OK, but had plenty of potential to become great (if I was in the kitchen cooking it 😜)
We’re gonna slow down a bit and spend the next 4-5 days back home. In Boston. We rented a caaa and plan on hitting some old favorites. We’ll keep you posted. Cheers!
Side Note: We drove within an hour of Maddie’s place in Brooklyn today. It was tough not to turn right as we got off the Tappan Zee Bridge, and just head straight down there.