I know, I know. Both of the people reading this, haven’t seen an update from us in a couple days and for that, I apologize. I will try harder to make sure we get something posted everyday, so at the very least, I can bore you to sleep at night. So here’s the re-cap. (Where did we leave off?)
Oh, Saturday the 29th, last night in New Orleans. This was a cool night. Maddie picked out this hip little vegan place in East NO, The Sneaky Pickle. Food was good, vibe was hippie, neighborhood was…. well, the Uber driver warned us not to walk to our next destination… so afterward, we took another Uber about 3 miles down the road to Bacchanal Fine Wine & Spirits. Now this was a real treat. It’s a house, in a residential neighborhood (duh), that is a wine store in the front, a restaurant upstairs and a live Jazz party in the backyard. You gotta check it out. It’s such a cool experience. If I had a bigger back yard (and a zoning permit), I would totally do this at home. We had this GIANT charcuterie plate, a couple bottles of wine and listened to some fantastic Jazz. All under the stars and some terrific NO weather. The rain came in earlier than morning and knocked down the temps and humidity to some really nice and comfortable levels. It was a perfect way to end a great weekend in the Big Easy.
The next morning, we were East Bound and Down, Loaded Up and Trucking. Only we took the long way to a little spot on the Gulf of Mexico in Carrabelle, Florida. But before I tell you about one of the most beautiful RV spots we’ve ever stayed at, let me tell you about a 10(ish) mile stretch of road between Pass Christian, MS and Gulf Port, MS. If I ever retire or if I ever disappear from existence, look for me there. I’ll be the old salty dog tending to his old salty dogs, watching the world go by. I never (ever) thought that I would say Mississippi and retirement in the same sentence, but this is my kinda place. The good news is, Laura liked it too 😏. Nuff said.
We proceeded to pass a bunch of cool little touristy sea towns on our way. One in particular was Destin, FL. As we rolled in over the bridge, we saw this enormous floatilla of boats, bars, beers and babes. It was a gangsters paradise for red-neck water mongers. Damn, I miss it already. But we eventually landed at the Ho-Hum Rv Resort and pulled the rip cord for the night. We hadn’t been there for 5 minutes before I had all four dogs running up and down the beach. They needed the play time, I needed the decompression time and it was a perfect way to cap off a 10 hour drive.
July 31st found us taking a new direction. Left. We officially headed North today, because we ran out of road. We hit Jacksonville, FL and the Atlantic Ocean. From there it was a couple hours up to Savanna, GA and then onto Hilton Head Island, SC. We found this great little RV park here, rented a car from Hertz and decided right way, that we were going to extend an extra day here. We took off for Harbor Town, right after breakfast at this cool place called Skull Creek Boat House (great seafood!!). Harbor Town is just as beautiful as you see on TV during the RBC Heritage Golf Tournament. So much so, that I have 2pm tee time there tomorrow. Hey, when in Rome right? The girls are headed to Savanna for some shopping and I’m gonna enjoy a nice walk (spoiled).
Until we meet again….