After all of the planning, designing, decisions, changes, rinse and repeat…. we have finally gone vertical. Yup, the first wall is up and away we go.
Weather permitting, things should really start to go fast now. There are still a lot of action items that we need to take care of, but they need to happen fast. Exterior colors for the barn, roof, windows and doors need to be picked. Flooring selected and purchased. I’m personally in-charge of hiring the electrician, plumber and HVAC (duh 🤪). Which worries me a little. We’d like to participate, physically in the process, to some extent. But my lack of tools and time could make this more difficult than I anticipated. We’ll see how it pans out.
The weather here is predictably NUTS. Every morning we wake up and it’s just perfect. By 12:30pm the winds pick up and by 1:30pm, we get a little mountain spritz. The Wind River Range is about 30 miles to our North and everything around us is just high-plains. The winds are wicked strong and come at you from all directions. I fully expect some (or all) of the slide-out covers on the RV, to tear off. Even as I write this, the winds are gusting over 60mph.
Did I mention I’m right across the street from the golf course 😁. I got out the other day and got about 14 holes in, before 1:30pm. Then right out of nowhere, this squall hit and all you could do was find a tree to hide behind and hunker down. There were literally two people on the entire course (myself included). The other guy ran off and I, in my infinite wisdom, decided to wait it out. I don’t think the heavy stuffs gonna come down for quite a while. About 15 minutes later I got to finish the hole I was on and proceeded to the next tee box, where my drive would be going with the wind. Yes. Yes I did just rip a 300 yard drive, right down the middle(ish). Well after that hole, the heavy stuff did come down and that was the end of that.
It’s Friday afternoon and I’ve got my first cold one sitting next to me. Like a puppy, longing to be played with, this beer ain’t gonna drink itself. Here’s a few pictures for your viewing pleasure. See ya next time.